Evil Craig 2

"I was watching the news when I saw them talk about a man getting pooped on was found dead in his house but at that time I had no idea what was going on. A few years later I was looking on Youtube for a tutorial on how to play Mario Party and I saw a pretty interesting video. The video was called "12 Reasons We Hate Mario Party" In the video there were some pretty excellent points. But then it started. The guy in the video said "Like my videos or else I will kick your dog with an iron toe and if your a cat person I'll gladly punt your cat in the anus!" I looked down and my pets and thought that they would be fine so I didn't like it. At 2 o'clock in the morning I saw a figure outside my window, it was Evil Craig! He interrupted my 8 hour gaming session and locked me outside my house. I looked inside the window. He went up to my pets. He kicked my dog and punted my cat. He went up to me and started choking me. I kicked him in the balls and ran off to my local McDonald's and hid in the bathrooms. I opened the toilet and saw Evil Craig. He stepped out and punched my nose. I thought he was gone but then I turned around again and he was there with a spiked baseball bat. That's all I remember doctor" I said.
"Oh I'm not a doctor. I'm Evil Craig" He whispered
He stabbed me and just left me there to die.
Always like, or face the consequences.